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Video Tutorials

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As we know, FTB can be tricky at times. Sometimes, written tutorials aren't enough, and you need someone to walk you through the process. Videos can be a good tool to use.


If you want or have made/found a good video tutorial on anything in FTB, post it here. Please list the mod(s) that the tutorial deals with, so we can tell what mod pack it works in.




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As we know, FTB can be tricky at times. Sometimes, written tutorials aren't enough, and you need someone to walk you through the process. Videos can be a good tool to use.


If you want or have made/found a good video tutorial on anything in FTB, post it here. Please list the mod(s) that the tutorial deals with, so we can tell what mod pack it works in.

The direwolf20 videos are really helpful.

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He doesn't go over some of the stuff i need info on most of the time.


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ZER0-0, on 20 Feb 2013 - 11:13, said:
The direwolf20 videos are really helpful.

Indeed. For example, he explains Thaumcraft 3 pretty well. He went over the basics without spoiling the overall experience. It's good to look at when you are getting started.





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After you learn how to get the book and the basics of researching you don't really need any help.


If you didn't like me, that your problem not mine.
Anything that advertises(on the side ads over whatever) causes malware or dissatisfaction BUT MINECRAFT DOESENT advertise at ALL

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